A Message From: Avrohom Shloime Klein


Dear Friends and Family, עמו"ש

With the soul-satisfying scent of last year’s Shas-a-thon still suffusing the air, we embark on preparations for a new Shas-a-thon. Torah learning is never a repeat performance, an echo, but always a vibrant, vital experience with far reaching effects, and I plan to be part of this year’s event on Sunday the 10th of September, יום א' ניצבים-וילך יט אלול ה'תשע"ז at the Hilton London Metropole, once again in aid of A TIME. Together with my fellow learners, scholars and laymen alike, we will achieve the pinnacle of a Siyum HaShas in one place on one day.

For those unfamiliar with the superlative efforts of A TIME, here’s a brief rundown. The organisation provides medical, financial, emotional and halachic support, to couples navigating the unpleasant byroads of infertility. With sensitivity and respect, they accompany many such pairs over the hurdles on their path, aiding and praying with them for positive outcomes.

Our efforts at the Shas-a-thon help A TIME’s goals on the spiritual and financial fronts. I need your involvement to facilitate these accomplishments. Your sponsorship will make you a partner in the zechus of the learning and the zechus of the tremendous chessed done.

The kedusha and the achdus in such an undertaking are palpable and powerful. As a supporter, the bracha that resonates will be yours as much as mine. Thank you, on behalf of A TIME and myself, for opening your heart to our cause.

Avrohom Shloime Klein

My Donors and Comments

Wishing you Hatzlocho

11 Sep

£72.00Akiva Rothbart

Hatzlocha rabo 

07 Sep

£50.00I S

Wishing you Hatzlocho

27 Aug

£50.00Yisroel Shulem Taub

10 Sep

£36.00B & R Estates

הצלחה רבה 

05 Sep

£36.00Chaim Pesach Reiner

הצלחה בכל ענינים!!

כתיבה וחתימה טובה!!

פון דיין שוואגער:

  טובי' לייב שטערן

10 Sep

£25.00Tovia Leib Stern

פין אונז אלע אויפן שיף


06 Sep

£20.00Shmiel Binyomin Schneck

10 Sep

£18.00pinches gross

לערן פלייסיג ברכה והצלחה וכל טוב 

יואל שרייבער Contract Gardening

10 Sep

£18.00Joel Schreiber

I utilise this special occasion,

To show my admiration,

ASK-for your participation,

As a Lomed for this organisation.


To help others always your aspiration,

A good word to others-without hesitation,

Helping those in need with utmost dedication,

A pure לב טוב-your constant occupation!


Going the extra mile with so much devotion,

At hard times there with much emotion,

To others feelings you give much consideration,

Always delivering, with astonishing determination!


It's time to show my appreciation,

With my small donation,

And may this wonderful celebration,

Cause much sensation!



08 Sep

£18.00Yiddel Stern & Family

הצלחה רבה 

05 Sep

£18.00Zishe Stern

לידידי אברהם שלמה

א גוט געבענשט יאר

03 Sep

£18.00הרשל בראון